Management in China. Wer in Asien geschäftlich aktiv ist, sollte das Buch gelesen haben – das schreibt die Presse zu Recht. Das Buch gibt Hunderte von konkreten Anregungen, wägt auf allen Ebenen verschiedene Konzepte zur Problemlösung auf ihre Anwendbarkeit in der Praxis ab, und schildert im Detail, wie sich messbare Verbesserungen erzielen lassen. Das Spektrum erstreckt sich von der Geschäftsentwicklung und Restrukturierung über Einkauf, Vertrieb, Fertigung, Logistik, Standortwahl und Qualitätsmanagement bis hin zur erfolgreichen Verhandlungsführung in China. Lieferung noch vor Weihnachten, schreibt Amazon Publisher : Diplomatic Council e.V. (February 24, 2023) Language : German Print length : 187 pages
He is an experienced Interim Operations Manager with extensive expertise in the automotive industry. His career is characterized by strategic thinking and operational excellence. He specializes in change management and process optimization.
Base on special knowledges, such as Strategy and deploy management, KPI management, Lean management, Quality management, Project management, Time management, Leadership management, etc., combined his working experience and lesson learned, always led and supported many clients to achieve the target(s) successfully, include but not limited:
Optimize operational efficacy
Optimize supply chain management
Improve productivity and quality performance in plant
Improve ability of R&D for New product/project
Improve ability of management system and work team
Meanwhile, according development tendency of Industry 4.0/China 2025, he always studies that how to implement enterprise transformation efficiently. On the basis of expectations and reality, support them become more lean or more automation or more intelligence.
Volkswagen ATJ, Tianjin VR China Head of Product Technology, Quality Assurance (2018-2020) Head of Quality Assurance, Purchased Parts DL382 (2011-2018) Managed 25 employees. Fault analysis and product optimization.
Volkswagen ATD, Dalian VR China Head of Heat-Treating Department (2020-2021). Responsible for 250 employees. Process optimization and quality assurance. Led the Task Force Japan.
Liebherr MCCtec GmbH Team Leader, Strategic Purchasing (2022-2023). Focus on outsourcing to Asian suppliers, supplier management, material group, and procurement strategies
Strategic Thinking: Development and implementation of corporate strategies focused on long-term goals and sustainable growth while aligning operations with business objectives and anticipating market trends.
Team Leadership: Experience in leading large teams, with a focus on fostering talent and promoting employee development, while ensuring alignment with organizational goals.
Process Optimization: Ongoing improvement of workflows to boost efficiency, productivity, and cost-effectiveness, ensuring smoother operations and greater overall performance
„Die europäischen Autohersteller gehören immer noch zu den besten der Welt, aber bei aktuellen Trends und Innovationen können sie einiges von China lernen“, sagt Karlheinz Zuerl, CEO der German Technology & Engineering Corporation (GTEC). Das sieht offenbar auch die Industrie so, denn der „Industrial Scout Service“ von GTEC erfährt den Angaben zufolge eine zunehmende Nachfrage aus der Automobilbranche. „Wir bieten diesen Service zur permanenten Marktbeobachtung für zahlreiche Industrien an, aber der größte Bedarf herrscht derzeit auf dem Automobilsektor“, erklärt Karlheinz Zuerl, der als Interim Manager des Jahres 2024* ausgezeichnet wurde.
Im Rahmen des „Industrial Scout Service“ erfolgt eine Branchen-, Trend- und Wettbewerbsbeobachtung weit über die systematische Auswertung öffentlicher Quellen hinaus. Dazu gehört die Präsenz auf Fachmessen, die Teilnahme an Konferenzen, die Direktansprache entsprechender Fachleute und die Mitwirkung in themenspezifischen Arbeitsgruppen. „Es ist im Grunde ein Radarsystem, um Entwicklungen schon in ganz frühen Stadien zu erkennen“, sagt Karlheinz Zuerl.
GTEC unterhält hierzu in China ein Netzwerk von Fachleuten, die im Kundenauftrag eine permanente Marktbeobachtung durchführen. „Wir arbeiten mit allen legalen Methoden der Market Intelligence“ erklärt der CEO. GTEC belässt es allerdings nicht bei der Beobachtung, sondern unterstützt darüberhinausgehend mit strategischer Beratung und betrieblicher Umsetzung.
* Karlheinz Zuerl wurde ausgezeichnet von United Interim, der führenden Community für Interim Manager in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz sowie der Steinbeis Augsburg Business School
GTEC ( hilft westlichen Industrie-Unternehmen, Herausforderungen in Asien zu bewältigen. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf der Geschäftsentwicklung, dem Auf- und Ausbau von Niederlassungen und Produktionsstätten, sowie Sanierungs- und Turnaround-Maßnahmen, um vorwiegend Automobilzuliefer- und Maschinenbaufirmen in kritischen Phasen wieder in die Gewinnzone zu bringen. Unter der Leitung von CEO Karlheinz Zuerl ist ein Team von Beratern, Experten und Interim Managern aktiv, das im Bedarfsfall beim Kunden vor Ort zum Einsatz kommt. Der Chef selbst steht für Aufgaben als Interim General Manager und für Executive Consulting zur Verfügung. Auf der Referenzliste von GTEC stehen Konzerne wie bspw. BMW, Bosch, General Motors und Siemens, große Mittelständler wie Hella, Schaeffler, Valeo und ZF sowie kleinere mittelständische Firmen, die wenig bekannt sind, aber dank GTEC umso erfolgreicher in Asien agieren.
Experts in the Automotive Industry Asia
You need one, but don`t want to hire one permanently?
“European car manufacturers are still among the best in the world, but they can learn a lot from China when it comes to current trends and innovations,” said Karlheinz Zuerl, CEO of German Technology & Engineering Corporation (GTEC). The industry apparently sees it that way too, as GTEC’s “Industrial Scout Service” is reportedly experiencing increasing demand from the automotive sector. “We offer this service for permanent market observation for numerous industries, but the greatest demand is currently in the automotive sector,” explained Karlheinz Zuerl, who was named Interim Manager of the Year 2024*.
As part of the “Industrial Scout Service”, industry, trend and competition monitoring go far beyond the systematic evaluation of public sources. This includes attending trade fairs, participating in conferences, contacting relevant experts directly and participating in topic-specific working groups. “It’s basically a radar system to identify developments at a very early stage,” said Karlheinz Zuerl.
To this end, GTEC maintains a network of experts in China who carry out permanent market monitoring on behalf of customers. “We work with all legal methods of market intelligence,” explained the CEO. However, GTEC does not stop at observation, but also provides support in the form of strategic advice and operational implementation.
* Karlheinz Zuerl was honoured by United Interim, the leading community for interim managers in Central Europe, and the Steinbeis Augsburg Business School.
GTEC ( helps Western industrial companies to overcome challenges in Asia. The focus is on business development, the establishment and expansion of branches and production facilities, as well as restructuring and turnaround measures to bring automotive suppliers and mechanical engineering companies in critical phases back into the profit zone. Under the direction of CEO Karlheinz Zuerl, a team of consultants, experts and interim managers is on hand to work on-site with the client if necessary. The CEO himself is available for tasks as an interim general manager and for executive consulting. GTEC’s list of references includes corporations such as BMW, Bosch, General Motors and Siemens, large medium-sized companies such as Hella, Schaeffler, Valeo and ZF, as well as smaller medium-sized companies that are less well known but are operating all the more
Experts in the Automotive Industry Asia
You need one, but don`t want to hire one permanently?
Manufacturing, Automotive Industries, Food and retail Industry, FMCG market, Defense, Chemicals, Metal Mechanics, Plastics, Textile industry, Private Equity and family Businesses, Financial Services, and Consulting.
An international career developed in medium and large companies from all cultures in 12 countries: NAFTA, Asia, Europe, and the Americas.
I am a reputable Senior Interim Manager – C-Level proven track record of over 38 years of experience.
Last 7 years from 2016 to 2022 in charge of 25 restructuring projects covering all aspects of Operations, Finance, Administrative, and Customer relationships, involved in high-level negotiations and Companies under financial Stress.
Base on special knowledges, such as Strategy and deploy management, KPI management, Lean management, Quality management, Project management, Time management, Leadership management, etc., combined his working experience and lesson learned, always led and supported many clients to achieve the target(s) successfully, include but not limited:
Optimize operational efficacy
Optimize supply chain management
Improve productivity and quality performance in plant
Improve ability of R&D for New product/project
Improve ability of management system and work team
Meanwhile, according development tendency of Industry 4.0/China 2025, he always studies that how to implement enterprise transformation efficiently. On the basis of expectations and reality, support them become more lean or more automation or more intelligence.
TRW do Brazil S/A -Engine valves From Jan 1986 to November 1988 Trainee Engineer – Quality and Productivity Coordinator
NHK / Rassini – Suspension Systems From November 1988 to October 1991 Senior Engineer / R&D Manager
Presstécnica Ltda – Cold Forming – acting in the USA for new process technology, suppliers, and customer meetings From June 1992 to June 1994 Head of Quality / Lean Manufacturing Manager
Thyssen Krupp, Bilstein – Suspension Systems October 1994 – October 1998 Key Account Manager; Program Manager (Sales & Marketing with Product Engineering integrated)
Volkswagen, São Paulo – BR – New Cars Launching (Anchieta, Taubate and Curitiba Plants) March 1999 – December 2003 Process Team Leader at Advanced Manufacturing Engineering Strategic Planning Team Leader
ZF TRW – Steering Systems acting in France and Germany on Management Meeting Review, transferring technology, new product development, and Quality & Engineering Annual Meeting From March 2004 to September 2005 Senior Manager of Quality & Product and Process Engineering / Member of the Board – Reginal Site
Transtechnology ( TTB ), São Paulo – BR – Stamping and Fasteners acting in Germany for meetings with customers and Auto Parts Fair From December 2005 to February 2011 Corporate Senior Manager of Quality & Environment and Continuous Improvement; Senior Manager of Product, Process Engineering and Lean Six Sigma; Member of Advisory Board
Pematec Triangle São Paulo – BR – Sun Visors, Head Support, Seat Systems, Roof, Trim Door, Carrier backache March 2011 – March 2013 Director of Quality & Environment and Continuous Improvement, Risk Management, Supply Chain and Strategic Planning Interim General Plant Manager and Member of Board of Directors
BRAZILIAN GROUP – Private Equity March 2014 – December 2014 Senior Director / Chief Restructuring Officer / Freelancer by KJS Business Partner
CRW Plastics Group – Brazil , USA, Slovakia April 2015 – November 2015 Senior Corporate Quality Assurance & Environmental / Chief Restructuring Officer
ADS – Advanced Decorative System, CHINA and HUNGARY Plants solving problems from suppliers and supporting customers in Germany, France, Tunisia, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia April 2016 – October 2017 Senior Quality Director; Process Improvement Manager; Senior Interim Manager; Turnaround and Business Restructuring / Plant Manager
Novares Group, Chihuahua – MEXICO Project BMW G05/06/07 From Jun. 2018 – Nov 2018 Senior Program Director
Automotive Lighting, – Marelli Group -Lighting Systems, Projects for VW, AUDI and BMW Cd Juarez – MEXICO From Nov. 2018 – Feb 2019 Senior Interim Management Consultant / Program Manager
Valeo Thermal Systems – MEXICO San Luis Potosi – MEX May 2019 – Jul 2019 Senior VPS Manager / BU Turnaround Operations
Schlemmer – Brazil Support for Kronberg & Schubert Germany Oct 2019 – Nov 2019 Senior Interim Manager
Automotive Lighting, – Marelli Group – Mexico, Project supporting high-level escalation for Mercedes Benz From Jan. 2020 – April 2020 Senior Interim Management Consultant / QMS Expert
Protev International GmbH/ Protev Group ASIA; EUROPE, CENTRAL, AND SOUTH AMERICA Manufacturing Companies Restructuring / New Product Launching / High-Level Escalations from Demanded Customers Worldwide; Quality Assurance; Plant Management; Operations Performance Improvement From March. 2016 to December 2020 Senior Partner / Global Consultant Project Leader / Senior Interim Manager / Program Manager / Quality Director / Plant Operations Manager
ARYZTA GROUP ( By Atreus GmbH ) – Food Industry – From March to September 2021 Interim CRO – Chief Restructuring Officer in charge of Operations Turnaround and Change Management for 6 Plants in Brazil in all areas of the business. Preparation for the M&A / Transition for Company Sale / Cost Reduction Projects, P&L, assuring US$ 12 Million EBITDA in 2021. Delivered US$ 10,5 Million saving costs in 4 months.
PAKNAM.Co ( FMCG and Chemical Industry ) – From Aug. 2022 to March 2023 Interim CRO – Chief Restructuring Officer in charge of Business Transformation, Operations Restructuring, Business Assessment, KPI reviewing, SWOT, Business Plan review and Deployment, Cost Reduction Projects, Lean Manufacturing Implementation.
EXCELLANCE ( Turnaround Management ) – From Nov 2023 to Aug 2024 ASSOCIATE / INTERIM CRO at Leao & Jetex a Textile Company located in Brazil In charge com Operations, Sales & Marketing, Finance, and Cash Flow Complete company reshaping, cost reduction, increased margin, reorganization chart, RH on-demand implementation, S&M Restructuring, deployment from Strategy to operational, Supply Chain, Production and Quality improvements.
KJS Business Partner & Consulting- Brazil Since Feb 2011 Managing Partner and CFO Several Projects for medium companies including Financial services; M&A activities, Valuation; Due Diligences; Asset and Contracts Management; Cost Reduction Plans; Investments, Expenses and Budget Management; Business Modeling; Investors and Shareholders relations; Liabilities negotiations with Banks and other Creditors; Project Finance; Controlling ; Treasure ; Cash Flow Management; Turnaround, Crisis Management, Restructuring.
I am Brazilian, 59 years old, a Mechanical Engineer, Post Degree in Automotive Engineering and in General Administration, an MBA in Business Management, Certified Advisory Counselor with an extensive grid of professional training. Senior Interim Manager for over 12 years, delivering knowledge & experience oriented to reduce costs and increase profit, through the application of contemporaneous tools and methodologies to create a competitive, reliable, and better work environment.
SAE BRASIL for subject vehicle development area. o A.E.A ( Automotive Engineering Association ), with presentations in Comfort and Suspensions System Cases.
CBS ( Brazilian Ironworks Committee ) and ABNT; establishment of standardization criteria for laminated steel requirements.
ANFIR ( National Association of Roads Implements Manufacturers ): Presentation of Proposal for National Creativity and Competitiveness Program.
SINDIPEÇAS: Participation in the Implementation of Productivity and Quality Brazilian Program.
My last positions in my country were as Senior Corporate Quality Assurance Director in charge of 5 plants manufactured globally as Interim Chief Restructuring Officer- CRO responsible for 6 plants for FMCG and Retail food Industry and as Associate / CRO Chief Restructuring Officer for a Textile Company.
Experience and years of a rising career in small, medium, and large Industrial markets. Complete mastery of World Class Manufacturing in Operations (WCM) and its support areas ( Product Development – R&D, Processes Engineering, Quality Assurance & Environmental, Purchasing, Logistics, HR, Finance, Supply Chain, Maintenance, Lean Manufacturing, Six Sigma, Kaizen Projects, Plant performance improvement ). Great skill in training and high-performance team management.
15 years with effective participation as a member of the Board and representative of top management. Young profile, trainer, owner vision, with a strong inclination to control companies in crisis and financial stress or even greenfield.
Great expertise and overall management of the company’s activities, developing and implementing strategies in Commercial, Administrative, Financial, Operational, and overall Business. Expertise in management, process optimization, action plan to improve results, restructuring and corporate recovery, development, and implementation of strategic plans, tactical and operational KPIs Key performance indicators. Great resourcefulness and ability to explore, trade negotiations of large scale and complexity (B2B), with organizations of various sizes and segments.
Full Management of P&L, Budget, expenses, costs, investments, Compliance, and Risk. Expertise and strong in management, implementation, and maintenance of Standards like ISO 9001, ISO 14001, IATF 16949, and VDA 6.3 as well as all customer requirements on the field of ESG – Environmental Social and Governance combined with WCM -World Class Manufacturing requirements from demanded customers worldwide.
Very good knowledge in Digitalization with several projects implemented into shop floor ( Manufacturing Operations ) as well as in R&D optimizing resources as time and money be more effective in many aspects of technology.
Experience in (M & A) mergers and acquisitions, start-up, business plan formatting, and development budgets and financial projects.
Quality Management System (IATF16949) / Production Management System (Lean/CI)
Strategic and Deployment
Balanced Score Card & KPI
NPI Management
Project Management
Process Optimize Management (VDA6.3/Lean process)
Lean/TPS Management (include administer / R&D / manufacture /logistical)
Supply Chain Management
Industry 4.0
Nationality: BRAZILIAN Residence: Sao Paulo Position: CRO- Restructuring / COO / Plant Director / General Manager / Managing Director Year of Birth: 1965 Languages: Portuguese as mother Tongue · English – fluent · Spanish – advanced · German – Basic
Expert in Cost optimization, Automation, Logistics, Industrial Design, Plant planning, and Relocation of Production. Marketing, Market research Quality, Supplier selection, Supplier development
Today, effective production without appropriate logistics is unthinkable. A key part of this is fully automated warehouses, which provide a constant, timely update on the current inventory and link it with suppliers and customers, an essential tool for production and supplier planning.
Effective solutions for manufacturing, production and logistics are essential to survive in tougher competition. But also the right choice of production location and marketing. The optimization of products and/or new product development is another component in order to survive on the market.
Highly efficient production with optimal use of resources and equipment. High availability with intelligent material flow and sophisticated storage technology. Integration of customers and suppliers into an intelligent control system of all production flow system
Base on special knowledges, such as Strategy and deploy management, KPI management, Lean management, Quality management, Project management, Time management, Leadership management, etc., combined his working experience and lesson learned, always led and supported many clients to achieve the target(s) successfully, include but not limited:
Optimize operational efficacy
Optimize supply chain management
Reduce waste and inefficient operation, resource and material usage
Improve productivity and quality performance in plant
Improve ability of R&D for New product/project
Improve ability of management system and work team
Meanwhile, according development tendency of Industry 4.0/China 2025, he always studies that how to implement enterprise transformation efficiently. On the basis of expectations and reality, support them become more lean or more automation or more intelligence.
Automotive, Ceramics, Chemistry, Cosmetics, Construction, Construction material, Electronic part manufacturing, EV Battery, Food &Beverage, Home appliance, Logistics, Manufacturing, New energy, Packaging, Pharmacy, Plastics. Quality / Validation, Testing / Validation, Textile, Built up, Relocation, etc.
Steel structure; Factory and production hall; Automation; Conveyor – / Transfer systems; Material flow; Handling/Robotics; Testing Equipment; Packaging; Special machines; Warehouse Systems, (Fully automatic); Process development; Quality assurance; Supplier qualification, etc.
Product / Process / Production / Quality-Validation / Costs / ROI
Product to mass production batch series production large series production mass production
Equipment Human resources
Marketing, Sales
Industries: Automotive Ceramics Chemistry Cosmetics Construction material Electronic part manufacturing EV Battery Food &Beverage Home appliance Logistics Manufacturing New energy Packaging Pharmacy Plastics Quality / Validation Testing / Validation Textile
Product evaluation / optimization regarding production
Process evaluation / optimization Production evaluation / optimization
Warehouse/Logistics evaluation /optimization
Organization evaluation / Optimization
Total concept: Cost reduction, Quality improvement, Investment, Financing, ROI Expert in Logistics, Industrial Design, Automation, and Installation / Relocation in China/Asia
The general approach is based on common methods such as: 6 Sigma,(DMAIC), Lean Management ,Theorie of Constraints (TOC), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Benchmarking, Supply Chain….
Basically, the analysis of the product / services and the processes is the starting point for optimizing costs and improving performance and achieving quality goals
More than 30 years of experience develop, design of automation systems and and logistics systems.
Working as consutant and problem solver for many stock market registered companies, by example BMW, VW, Great Wall, etc.
During the years developing many solutions, which several of them had been patented.
Increase output while less costs and less resources and raise quality and reducation of waste
a. Product portfolio analysis (products, dimensions, weights, etc.) b. Throughput analysis c. Space analysis d. Material flow analysis e. Incl. delivery and collection areas f. Information flow analysis g. Logistics solution: concept development based on 1-6 h. Detailed solution i. Supplier selection j. Installation k. Implementation including commissioning and connection to the l. internal IT system Integration of customers and suppliers into the logistics system
Broad experience in a wide range of industries, technologies and processes. Transfer of technologies and processes from other industries and combination to create the optimal technology/process for the respective project. Extremely strong cost awareness.
Lean/TPS apply more areas (office management, R&D, production/shop flow, logistic, etc.)
Buffer warehouse between part production and assemblyEfficency +80%, Cost reduction- 60%, Lead time -60%, Personnel reduction -70%, Downtime assembly: -80%, Quality control: +80%
Trouble shooting Bodyshop. Ensure SOP. Support of suppliers such as Thyssen, FFT, and others. Modification at all essential stations, like body, door sill, sunroof, door, etc. so that the systems could run at all.Tolerance chain calculation, quality methods, quality calculations, redesign of cells and equipment
Strong background in design, manufacturing, production technology and organization. This allows me to identify and eliminate weak points very quickly. Broad experience in various industries and able to transfer the technologies/processes to other industries.
Extremely strong cost awareness.
based on the known methods, such as
Quality Management System (IATF16949) / Production Management System (Lean/CI)
Strategic and Deployment
Project Management
Process Optimize Management (VDA6.3/Lean process)
Lean/TPS Management (include administer / R&D / manufacture /logistical)
Supply Chain Management
Industry 4.0
Nationality: German Residence: Shenyang, China Position: Owner Year of Birth: 1962 Languages: German, English, basics at French
Most companies’ strategies deliver only 63% of their promised financial value.
Why? Leaders press for better execution when they really need a sounder strategy. Or they craft a new strategy when execution is the true weak spot.
The result: wasted energy, lost time, and continued underperformance.
How to avoid these errors?
View strategic planning and execution as inextricably linked — then raise the bar for both simultaneously.
Start by applying seven deceptively straightforward rules, including: keeping your strategy simple and concrete, making resourceallocation decisions early in the planning process, and continuously monitoring performance as you roll out your strategic plan.
By following these rules, you reduce the likelihood of performance shortfalls. And even if your strategy still stumbles, you quickly determine whether the fault lies with the strategy itself, your plan for pursuing it, or the execution process.
The payoff? You make the right midcourse corrections — promptly. And as high-performing companies like Cisco Systems, Dow Chemical, and 3M have discovered, you boost your company’s financial performance 60% to 100%.
Source: Havard Business Review
Experts in the Automotive Industry Asia
You need one, but don`t want to hire one permanently?
Stay tuned for regular updates on microdots—an innovative technology that remains largely under the radar across much of the globe. But it’s a game-changer, especially in the fight against professional car theft!
Microdots have already proven their worth by removing the financial incentive for car thieves. In Europe, stolen vehicles are frequently trafficked to Russia and African nations, or dismantled for parts. Fraudulent warranty claims on high-value components also contribute to the growing costs that insurance companies and law enforcement agencies are forced to shoulder. Just imagine: in Africa alone, Interpol dedicates countless man-hours to identifying stolen cars from Europe, reconnecting them with their owners, and returning them.
And here’s where things get even more critical—electric vehicles (EVs) bring a whole new set of challenges, with their abundance of high-value parts. The solution? Microdots. When installed by the original equipment manufacturer (OEM), they provide lifetime protection for the entire vehicle and its parts. Chinese EV makers can seize this opportunity to showcase their commitment to reducing costs for countries receiving their products—by protecting against theft, fraud, and unnecessary financial strain. This move could boost their reputation as responsible corporate citizens, and while it won’t remove tariffs, it sends a strong message of goodwill.
This strategy could even sway the European lobby groups advocating for affordable Chinese EV imports, given that local automakers can’t compete at those price points. If China responds by tightening its grip on the auto parts supply chain, Europe’s costs could skyrocket even further. The proof is in the numbers: over the past 12 years, countries like South Africa and Taiwan have seen remarkable success after making microdots mandatory.
As your expert in the ESG, automotive, and machinery sectors across Asia, I’m here to help. If you’d like to dive into the details of how microdots can safeguard your products, feel free to visit GTEC, send me an email, or give me a call!
Experts in the Automotive Industry Asia
You need one, but don`t want to hire one permanently?
In the fast-paced and ever-evolving business world, interim managers play a crucial role in steering companies through transitions and challenges.
But what if there was a way to transform these obstacles into opportunities for growth and success?
Meet the interim manager – your trusted guide on this transformative journey.
Interim managers can bring a wealth of expertise and a fresh perspective to your organization. They are skilled at implementing effective strategies and documenting both input and output to ensure lasting impact.
As your guide, the interim manager will help you cross the threshold from uncertainty to clarity. They will dive deep into your company’s operations, identify critical areas for improvement, and execute strategies designed to drive immediate results.
Throughout this journey, the interim manager will tackle challenges head-on, document their strategies, and measure the outcomes. The trials faced and the solutions implemented will showcase the tangible value added to your organization.
At the end of their tenure, an interim manager doesn’t just leave behind a list of tasks completed; they leave behind a clear record of the progress made and the results achieved. This documented success is not only a testament to their effectiveness but also a valuable tool for the company going forward. It provides insights into what worked, what didn’t, and how future strategies can be refined for even greater success.
You’ll be equipped to lead your company forward with the knowledge and strategies gained during this transformative journey.
By embracing the expertise of an interim manager, you are not only overcoming immediate challenges…
But also setting your company up for long-term success.
Interim managers bring far more to a company than just temporary leadership. They deliver strategic value by implementing necessary changes and documenting the results, providing a roadmap for continued success. With an added value of up to six times their cost, the investment in an interim manager is one that can pay off significantly, helping your company navigate challenges, seize opportunities, and achieve lasting growth.
Are you ready to transform your company’s operations in Asia?
Asia’s education system, particularly in vocational training, often lacks the dual education framework familiar in other parts of the world.
The gap in practical knowledge can be startling.
For example, I’ve witnessed workers in workshops hammering on aluminum, only to be surprised by the resulting dents. This lack of basic technical understanding is a significant hurdle.
My Biggest Success in Asia: Building a “Learning Organization”
1. Establish In-House Academies
The first step to overcoming this challenge is to create a “learning organization” within the company.
Setting up an in-house academy allows employees to learn essential skills from one another.
This approach is cost-effective and fosters a culture of continuous improvement, where employees immediately apply new knowledge to their work.
2. Foster Enthusiasm for Education
When employees realize that knowledge is their personal wealth – something that cannot be taken away – they become enthusiastic learners.
This enthusiasm drives productivity and innovation, as employees are motivated to apply what they’ve learned.
The Entrepreneurial Leadership Approach
1. Lead from the Ground Up
Leading as an entrepreneur means more than just executing orders from headquarters.
It involves inspiring employees to take ownership and work collaboratively toward building a forward-moving company. This approach ensures that everyone is invested in the company’s success.
2. Implement an Internal Suggestion System
One of the most effective strategies I’ve used in Asia is the implementation of an internal suggestion system.
This system encourages employees to submit their ideas for improvement, fostering a culture of innovation.
Contrary to some headquarters’ concerns, this approach is neither costly nor risky. It can be implemented quickly and yield significant benefits.
3. Encouraging Employee Participation
By simply asking employees for their ideas – whether through a suggestion box or direct conversations – you tap into a valuable resource of creativity and problem-solving.
Rewarding employees for implemented ideas not only boosts morale but also drives the company forward with fresh, practical innovations.
Achieving Success Together ❤️
As an interim manager in Asia, your role is important in bridging the education and skills gap while fostering a collaborative, entrepreneurial spirit within the company.
The company is up and running!
Ready to lead your company to new heights in Asia?
Ask questions and get advice tailored to your situation!
For more information, please contact:
Karlheinz ZUERL – CEO of GTEC (German Technology & Engineering Cooperation)
Effizienzsteigerung in einer traditionsreichen Fertigungsanlage in Tianjin, China: Wie wir OEE auf ein neues Level gehoben haben
In Zeiten, in denen Krisen wie die Corona-Pandemie, der Ukraine-Krieg oder die Energiepreisspirale den Alltag durcheinanderwirbeln, steht eines fest: Unternehmen müssen agil bleiben. Natürlich spielt dabei die Kontrolle von Kosten und Liquidität eine große Rolle – doch eine goldene „Low hanging fruit“ wird oft übersehen: der KPI OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness).
Wir standen vor der kniffligen Aufgabe, die OEE in einer altgedienten italienischen Produktionsanlage in Tianjin zu verbessern – und ja, das war eine echte Herausforderung! In einer in die Jahre gekommenen Fabrik kämpfen Interim Manager mit einer Fülle von Problemen, sei es die Verfügbarkeit der Maschinen, die Leistungsrate oder die Qualitätsrate. Doch wer uns kennt, weiß: Herausforderungen sind unser Ding! Und genau hier zeigt sich, warum Interim Manager wahre “Change Champions” sind. Mit ihrer Unabhängigkeit von internen Firmenpolitikern und ihrer geballten Erfahrung bringen sie den frischen Wind, den solche Situationen brauchen.
Warum gerade Interim Manager? Sie haben keinen Ballast, keine “Karriereleiter” im Hinterkopf und sind nur einer Sache verpflichtet: Der Aufgabe! Und das macht sie zum perfekten Sparringspartner für Transformationen, bei denen Emotionen und Unternehmenspolitik oft die Hauptrolle spielen. Kombiniert man diese Unabhängigkeit mit aktuellem Fachwissen, viel Erfahrung und einem sensiblen Umgang mit der Unternehmenskultur, dann wird aus einem Interim Manager der Gamechanger für solche Projekte.
Unser Team hat bei dieser Herausforderung tief in die Trickkiste gegriffen und die Effizienz auf der Produktionsfläche durch verschiedene Maßnahmen sprunghaft gesteigert:
Maschinen unter die Lupe genommen: Eine gründliche Analyse der gesamten Ausrüstung war der erste Schritt. Wir haben Ineffizienzen aufgedeckt und gezielt eingegriffen.
Lean-Prinzipien eingeführt: Mit Lean-Methoden haben wir Abfälle reduziert und die Prozesse auf Effizienz getrimmt.
Mitarbeiter fit gemacht: Durch gezielte Schulungen und Training haben wir das Team auf den neuesten Stand gebracht – technologisch und methodisch.
Unsere Erfolgsstrategie – Schritt für Schritt Zunächst haben wir die Verluste identifiziert, indem wir die aktuelle Maschinenleistung mit den Herstellerdaten verglichen. Klingt simpel, aber das war die Grundlage, um loszulegen! Mit einer cleveren Pareto-Analyse und einem ausgeklügelten Maßnahmenplan haben wir uns Stück für Stück vorgearbeitet:
Wir haben die größten „Verlustbringer“ identifiziert – angefangen bei den Geräten, die am meisten Potential verschenkten.
Menschliche Fehler als Ursache? Durch detaillierte Prozessanalysen konnten wir diese ausschließen.
Wir haben sichergestellt, dass die Rohstoffbedingungen den Anforderungen der Maschinen entsprechen.
Ein synchronisierter Wartungs- und Verbesserungsplan sorgte für kontinuierliche Optimierungen.
Die Ergebnisse lassen sich sehen!
Verfügbarkeit: Durch eine Kombination aus Ursachenanalyse (RCA) und gezielten Maßnahmen (CAPA) haben wir die Maschinenverfügbarkeit von 84 % auf satte 92,5 % gesteigert.
Leistungsrate: Kleinere Stillstände? Kein Problem mehr! Dank regelmäßiger Kontrollen der Maschinen und Teile konnten wir die Produktivität um 38 % steigern – von 9,36 auf 12,86 Stück pro Bediener und Tag!
Durchlaufzeit: Bei der Generatorlinie halbierte sich die Durchlaufzeit von 12,2 Tagen auf nur noch 6,1 Tage – ein riesiger Fortschritt!
Und das Beste? Die Qualität schoss förmlich durch die Decke:
Kundenausfälle bei Generatoren: Von 4.261 auf 0 – ein unglaublicher Erfolg!
Fehlerquote bei Steuerungen: Von 1.657 auf 0 reduziert.
Interne Fehlerquote: Um beeindruckende 86 % gesenkt – von 117.845 auf 16.413 Fehler.
Ausschusskosten: Von monatlichen 704.000 RMB auf nur noch 13.000 RMB – das sind 97 % weniger!
Dank dieser Verbesserungen erhielten wir nicht nur mehr Aufträge, sondern konnten sogar eine dritte Schicht installieren – ein echter Meilenstein für Umsatz und Gewinn!
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