Turn great strategy into great performance

Most companies’ strategies deliver only 63% of their promised financial value.

Why? Leaders press for better execution when they really need a sounder strategy. Or they craft a new strategy when execution is the true weak spot.

The result: wasted energy, lost time, and continued underperformance.

How to avoid these errors?

View strategic planning and execution as inextricably linked — then raise the bar for both simultaneously.

Start by applying seven deceptively straightforward rules, including: keeping your strategy simple and concrete, making resourceallocation decisions early in the planning process, and continuously monitoring performance as you roll out your strategic plan.

By following these rules, you reduce the likelihood of performance shortfalls. And even if your strategy still stumbles, you quickly determine whether the fault lies with the strategy itself, your plan for pursuing it, or the execution process.

The payoff? You make the right midcourse corrections — promptly. And as high-performing companies like Cisco Systems, Dow Chemical, and 3M have discovered, you boost your company’s financial performance 60% to 100%.

Source: Havard Business Review

Experts in the Automotive Industry Asia

You need one, but don`t want to hire one permanently?

Our solution: To rent our experts

  • On pay-to-use basis
  • Completely flexible
  • Contract can be cancelled any time

Clearly represented reports and dashboards inclusive!

New Patented Microdot Technology

Stay tuned for regular updates on microdots—an innovative technology that remains largely under the radar across much of the globe. But it’s a game-changer, especially in the fight against professional car theft!

Microdots have already proven their worth by removing the financial incentive for car thieves. In Europe, stolen vehicles are frequently trafficked to Russia and African nations, or dismantled for parts. Fraudulent warranty claims on high-value components also contribute to the growing costs that insurance companies and law enforcement agencies are forced to shoulder. Just imagine: in Africa alone, Interpol dedicates countless man-hours to identifying stolen cars from Europe, reconnecting them with their owners, and returning them.

And here’s where things get even more critical—electric vehicles (EVs) bring a whole new set of challenges, with their abundance of high-value parts. The solution? Microdots. When installed by the original equipment manufacturer (OEM), they provide lifetime protection for the entire vehicle and its parts. Chinese EV makers can seize this opportunity to showcase their commitment to reducing costs for countries receiving their products—by protecting against theft, fraud, and unnecessary financial strain. This move could boost their reputation as responsible corporate citizens, and while it won’t remove tariffs, it sends a strong message of goodwill.

This strategy could even sway the European lobby groups advocating for affordable Chinese EV imports, given that local automakers can’t compete at those price points. If China responds by tightening its grip on the auto parts supply chain, Europe’s costs could skyrocket even further. The proof is in the numbers: over the past 12 years, countries like South Africa and Taiwan have seen remarkable success after making microdots mandatory.

As your expert in the ESG, automotive, and machinery sectors across Asia, I’m here to help. If you’d like to dive into the details of how microdots can safeguard your products, feel free to visit GTEC, send me an email, or give me a call!

Experts in the Automotive Industry Asia

You need one, but don`t want to hire one permanently?

Our solution: To rent our experts

  • On pay-to-use basis
  • Completely flexible
  • Contract can be cancelled any time

Clearly represented reports and dashboards inclusive!

What value does an interim manager bring to a company?

In the fast-paced and ever-evolving business world, interim managers play a crucial role in steering companies through transitions and challenges.

But what if there was a way to transform these obstacles into opportunities for growth and success?

Meet the interim manager – your trusted guide on this transformative journey.

Interim managers can bring a wealth of expertise and a fresh perspective to your organization. They are skilled at implementing effective strategies and documenting both input and output to ensure lasting impact.

As your guide, the interim manager will help you cross the threshold from uncertainty to clarity. They will dive deep into your company’s operations, identify critical areas for improvement, and execute strategies designed to drive immediate results.

Throughout this journey, the interim manager will tackle challenges head-on, document their strategies, and measure the outcomes. The trials faced and the solutions implemented will showcase the tangible value added to your organization.

At the end of their tenure, an interim manager doesn’t just leave behind a list of tasks completed; they leave behind a clear record of the progress made and the results achieved. This documented success is not only a testament to their effectiveness but also a valuable tool for the company going forward. It provides insights into what worked, what didn’t, and how future strategies can be refined for even greater success.

You’ll be equipped to lead your company forward with the knowledge and strategies gained during this transformative journey.

By embracing the expertise of an interim manager, you are not only overcoming immediate challenges…

But also setting your company up for long-term success.

Interim managers bring far more to a company than just temporary leadership. They deliver strategic value by implementing necessary changes and documenting the results, providing a roadmap for continued success. With an added value of up to six times their cost, the investment in an interim manager is one that can pay off significantly, helping your company navigate challenges, seize opportunities, and achieve lasting growth.

Expert of the Year 2024 in Interim Management, Karlheinz Zuerl

Are you ready to transform your company’s operations in Asia?

Asia’s education system, particularly in vocational training, often lacks the dual education framework familiar in other parts of the world.

The gap in practical knowledge can be startling.

For example, I’ve witnessed workers in workshops hammering on aluminum, only to be surprised by the resulting dents. This lack of basic technical understanding is a significant hurdle.

My Biggest Success in Asia: Building a “Learning Organization”

1. Establish In-House Academies

The first step to overcoming this challenge is to create a “learning organization” within the company.

Setting up an in-house academy allows employees to learn essential skills from one another.

This approach is cost-effective and fosters a culture of continuous improvement, where employees immediately apply new knowledge to their work.

2. Foster Enthusiasm for Education

When employees realize that knowledge is their personal wealth – something that cannot be taken away – they become enthusiastic learners.

This enthusiasm drives productivity and innovation, as employees are motivated to apply what they’ve learned.

The Entrepreneurial Leadership Approach

1. Lead from the Ground Up

Leading as an entrepreneur means more than just executing orders from headquarters.

It involves inspiring employees to take ownership and work collaboratively toward building a forward-moving company. This approach ensures that everyone is invested in the company’s success.

2. Implement an Internal Suggestion System

One of the most effective strategies I’ve used in Asia is the implementation of an internal suggestion system.

This system encourages employees to submit their ideas for improvement, fostering a culture of innovation.

Contrary to some headquarters’ concerns, this approach is neither costly nor risky. It can be implemented quickly and yield significant benefits.

3. Encouraging Employee Participation

By simply asking employees for their ideas – whether through a suggestion box or direct conversations – you tap into a valuable resource of creativity and problem-solving.

Rewarding employees for implemented ideas not only boosts morale but also drives the company forward with fresh, practical innovations.

Achieving Success Together ❤️

As an interim manager in Asia, your role is important in bridging the education and skills gap while fostering a collaborative, entrepreneurial spirit within the company.

The company is up and running!

Ready to lead your company to new heights in Asia?

Ask questions and get advice tailored to your situation!

For more information, please contact:

Karlheinz ZUERL – CEO of GTEC (German Technology & Engineering Cooperation)

E-Mail: [email protected]

Mobile: + 86 13482438080

Experts in the Automotive Industry Asia

You need one, but don`t want to hire one permanently?

Our solution: To rent our experts

  • On pay-to-use basis
  • Completely flexible
  • Contract can be cancelled any time

Clearly represented reports and dashboards inclusive!

China: Wie wir OEE auf ein neues Level gehoben haben

Effizienzsteigerung in einer traditionsreichen Fertigungsanlage in Tianjin, China: Wie wir OEE auf ein neues Level gehoben haben

In Zeiten, in denen Krisen wie die Corona-Pandemie, der Ukraine-Krieg oder die Energiepreisspirale den Alltag durcheinanderwirbeln, steht eines fest: Unternehmen müssen agil bleiben. Natürlich spielt dabei die Kontrolle von Kosten und Liquidität eine große Rolle – doch eine goldene „Low hanging fruit“ wird oft übersehen: der KPI OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness).

Wir standen vor der kniffligen Aufgabe, die OEE in einer altgedienten italienischen Produktionsanlage in Tianjin zu verbessern – und ja, das war eine echte Herausforderung! In einer in die Jahre gekommenen Fabrik kämpfen Interim Manager mit einer Fülle von Problemen, sei es die Verfügbarkeit der Maschinen, die Leistungsrate oder die Qualitätsrate. Doch wer uns kennt, weiß: Herausforderungen sind unser Ding! Und genau hier zeigt sich, warum Interim Manager wahre “Change Champions” sind. Mit ihrer Unabhängigkeit von internen Firmenpolitikern und ihrer geballten Erfahrung bringen sie den frischen Wind, den solche Situationen brauchen.

Warum gerade Interim Manager? Sie haben keinen Ballast, keine “Karriereleiter” im Hinterkopf und sind nur einer Sache verpflichtet: Der Aufgabe! Und das macht sie zum perfekten Sparringspartner für Transformationen, bei denen Emotionen und Unternehmenspolitik oft die Hauptrolle spielen. Kombiniert man diese Unabhängigkeit mit aktuellem Fachwissen, viel Erfahrung und einem sensiblen Umgang mit der Unternehmenskultur, dann wird aus einem Interim Manager der Gamechanger für solche Projekte.

Unser Team hat bei dieser Herausforderung tief in die Trickkiste gegriffen und die Effizienz auf der Produktionsfläche durch verschiedene Maßnahmen sprunghaft gesteigert:

  • Maschinen unter die Lupe genommen: Eine gründliche Analyse der gesamten Ausrüstung war der erste Schritt. Wir haben Ineffizienzen aufgedeckt und gezielt eingegriffen.
  • Lean-Prinzipien eingeführt: Mit Lean-Methoden haben wir Abfälle reduziert und die Prozesse auf Effizienz getrimmt.
  • Mitarbeiter fit gemacht: Durch gezielte Schulungen und Training haben wir das Team auf den neuesten Stand gebracht – technologisch und methodisch.

Unsere Erfolgsstrategie – Schritt für Schritt Zunächst haben wir die Verluste identifiziert, indem wir die aktuelle Maschinenleistung mit den Herstellerdaten verglichen. Klingt simpel, aber das war die Grundlage, um loszulegen! Mit einer cleveren Pareto-Analyse und einem ausgeklügelten Maßnahmenplan haben wir uns Stück für Stück vorgearbeitet:

  1. Wir haben die größten „Verlustbringer“ identifiziert – angefangen bei den Geräten, die am meisten Potential verschenkten.
  2. Menschliche Fehler als Ursache? Durch detaillierte Prozessanalysen konnten wir diese ausschließen.
  3. Wir haben sichergestellt, dass die Rohstoffbedingungen den Anforderungen der Maschinen entsprechen.
  4. Ein synchronisierter Wartungs- und Verbesserungsplan sorgte für kontinuierliche Optimierungen.

Die Ergebnisse lassen sich sehen!

  • Verfügbarkeit: Durch eine Kombination aus Ursachenanalyse (RCA) und gezielten Maßnahmen (CAPA) haben wir die Maschinenverfügbarkeit von 84 % auf satte 92,5 % gesteigert.
  • Leistungsrate: Kleinere Stillstände? Kein Problem mehr! Dank regelmäßiger Kontrollen der Maschinen und Teile konnten wir die Produktivität um 38 % steigern – von 9,36 auf 12,86 Stück pro Bediener und Tag!
  • Durchlaufzeit: Bei der Generatorlinie halbierte sich die Durchlaufzeit von 12,2 Tagen auf nur noch 6,1 Tage – ein riesiger Fortschritt!

Und das Beste? Die Qualität schoss förmlich durch die Decke:

  • Kundenausfälle bei Generatoren: Von 4.261 auf 0 – ein unglaublicher Erfolg!
  • Fehlerquote bei Steuerungen: Von 1.657 auf 0 reduziert.
  • Interne Fehlerquote: Um beeindruckende 86 % gesenkt – von 117.845 auf 16.413 Fehler.
  • Ausschusskosten: Von monatlichen 704.000 RMB auf nur noch 13.000 RMB – das sind 97 % weniger!

Dank dieser Verbesserungen erhielten wir nicht nur mehr Aufträge, sondern konnten sogar eine dritte Schicht installieren – ein echter Meilenstein für Umsatz und Gewinn!

Experts in the Automotive Industry Asia

You need one, but don`t want to hire one permanently?

Our solution: To rent our experts

  • On pay-to-use basis
  • Completely flexible
  • Contract can be cancelled any time

Clearly represented reports and dashboards inclusive!

Top Concerns in AI Safety

Image: Center for Data Innovation

Experts have outlined their main concerns about AI safety, focusing on three major areas: safety risks, societal risks, and existential risks. When asked, “What worries you most about AI safety?” they pointed to various challenges.

Safety risks include the creation of AI systems that are unsafe, inaccurate, unreliable, or fail in unexpected situations. Both U.K. and Chinese experts raised concerns about AI systems not aligned with human goals or values, as well as the dangers of human-AI interactions, such as robots causing harm or accidents with self-driving cars.

Societal risks involve issues like AI misuse, such as the creation of deepfakes for fraudulent purposes. U.K. experts emphasized ethical concerns, particularly regarding AI’s impact on children and the risk of job displacement leading to high unemployment. They highlighted the need to address these issues to prevent social disruption.

Existential risks were a primary focus for some Chinese experts, who stressed the potential threats posed by advanced AI systems, including weaponization. They noted that AI’s rapid development could lead to significant and possibly irreversible global consequences.

It’s clear that addressing AI safety is essential to mitigate potential harm on a societal and global scale.

Experts in the Automotive Industry Asia

You need one, but don`t want to hire one permanently?

Our solution: To rent our experts

  • On pay-to-use basis
  • Completely flexible
  • Contract can be cancelled any time

Clearly represented reports and dashboards inclusive!

What strategies from other industries could be valuable for the automotive sector to adopt?

Three significant strategies stand out: regionalization, multi-sourcing, and collaboration.

  • Regionalization: Establishing manufacturing facilities closer to key markets can help automotive companies manage risks related to tariffs, geopolitical tensions, and supply chain disruptions. This approach not only enhances business continuity but also brings added advantages like faster response to regional customer needs and a smaller carbon footprint.
  • Multi-sourcing: Engaging multiple suppliers for essential components boosts agility and resilience. This practice reduces the risk of production stoppages, minimizes recalls, enables competitive pricing, and shortens time-to-market. Although it may require initial investment and effort, the long-term benefits significantly outweigh the challenge.
  • Collaboration: Forming partnerships with suppliers and ecosystem players early in the product development process allows automakers to synchronize roadmaps, define key features, and ensure supply stability. This collaborative approach fosters innovation and allows for quicker adaptation to changing market demands.

Experts in the Automotive Industry Asia

You need one, but don`t want to hire one permanently?

Our solution: To rent our experts

  • On pay-to-use basis
  • Completely flexible
  • Contract can be cancelled any time

Clearly represented reports and dashboards inclusive!

China: Warum Deutschland aufwachen muss

China: Vom Rückstand zum Vorsprung!

Als ich 1993 zum ersten Mal nach China kam, war das Land in vielen Bereichen rund 150 Jahre hinter Deutschland. Heute? China hat uns in etlichen Belangen um 50 Jahre überholt. Klingt provokant? Vielleicht. Aber lassen Sie uns einen genaueren Blick darauf werfen.

„Das kann doch nicht sein!”

Sicher, diese Behauptung klingt wie das übliche „China-bashing”, um Aufmerksamkeit zu bekommen. Doch warum sollten wir uns die Augen reiben und einfach weiter abwarten? Gerade jetzt, wo Experten wie beispielsweise Interim Manager dringend benötigt werden, um Firmen in Europa, den USA und Asien aus der Krise zu führen, passiert… nichts. Stattdessen stecken viele Firmen den Kopf in den Sand und hoffen, dass alles einfach so wieder vorübergeht, wie es gekommen ist. Spoiler: Das wird es nicht!

„Wir müssen unsere eigenen Leute beschäftigen. Wir können doch nicht Entlassungen vornehmen und dann teure externe Experten holen”, lautet oft der Einwand des Betriebsrates. Doch das Problem: Wer so argumentiert, hat in der heutigen globalisierten Welt schlichtweg den Überblick verloren oder hofft mit dieser Argumentation wiedergewählt zu werden.

Chinas Blitzstart in die Zukunft

Wer sich etwas mit der chinesischen Geschichte auskennt, weiß: Der Aufstieg Chinas war unvermeidlich. Chinas Maschinenbau-, Automobil-, Flugzeug- und Mobilfunkindustrie expandiert in rasantem Tempo und erobert die Weltmärkte – oft mit technologisch fortschrittlicheren und preisgünstigeren Produkten als der Westen. Wer hätte vor 30 Jahren gedacht, dass Deutschland einmal seinen Titel als größter Maschinenbau-Exporteur an China verlieren würde?

Chinesische Firmen spielen ein ganz anderes Spiel als westliche Unternehmen. Sie nehmen kurz- und mittelfristige Verluste in Kauf, um langfristig Marktanteile zu erobern. Gleichzeitig bauen sie immense Produktionskapazitäten auf, bevor sie überhaupt den ersten Euro (oder Yuan) verdienen. Dazu kommt: Die chinesische Regierung sitzt direkt mit am Unternehmenslenkrad. Privatunternehmen? Die tanzen nach der Pfeife der Regierung, ob sie wollen oder nicht.

Der Westen im „Sandkasten-Modus”

Eine Geschichte aus meiner eigenen Praxis als Interim General Manager in China: Der Kunde wollte in China bestellen, aber das deutsche Hauptquartier bremste: „Wir können dort nicht produzieren, wegen unserer IP. Die Maschine, die wir für diese Produktion in Deutschland benötigen wird erst in einem Jahr geliefert, die Produktion und Qualitätskontrolle dauert dann nochmals ein Jahr bis alles in China ankommt.” Was passierte? Die Konkurrenz schnappte uns den Auftrag vor der Nase weg. Das Resultat: Ein verärgerter Kunde und wir schauten dumm aus der Wäsche.

Der Westen isoliert sich, während China sich die Hände reibt und munter in die Weltwirtschaft investiert. Präsident Xi hat vor Kurzem angekündigt, die Türen weiter zu öffnen, damit chinesische Firmen im Ausland erfolgreich werden können. Und sie tun es – mit Volldampf. Die „Belt and Road”-Initiative ist dabei nur ein Teil des Plans.

Vom Stolz der Chinesen und vom Branding-Debakel des Westens

Noch vor einigen Jahren galten westliche Produkte in China als das Nonplusultra. Heute? Die Chinesen kaufen lieber ihre eigenen Produkte – und das aus gutem Grund: Qualität, Preis und Technologie haben aufgeholt, oft sogar überholt. Chinas staatliche Unterstützung und Protektionismus tun ihr Übriges, um den nationalen Champions den Weg zu ebnen.

Und wir? Lamentieren weiter. Es ist Zeit, etwas zu ändern!

Was können wir tun?

Deutsche Exporteure sollten die Stärken hervorheben, die uns von der Konkurrenz abheben: Zuverlässigkeit, Langlebigkeit, Servicequalität. Nutzen wir unsere Innovationskraft, um technologische Führerschaft zu behaupten und neue Marktsegmente zu erobern. Es gibt keine Patentlösung – jede Firma muss ihre Strategie individuell anpassen, basierend auf einer gründlichen Analyse des chinesischen Wettbewerbs.

Ein Beispiel aus meiner Erfahrung: Während der Corona-Zeit verkauften wir Maschinen in China, obwohl wir 30% teurer waren als die chinesischen Mitbewerber. Warum? Unsere Präsentation zeigte technische und kommerzielle Vorteile auf, die sie nicht bieten konnten. Und als es an den Service ging, hatten wir eine Lösung, die die Konkurrenz einfach nicht bieten konnte: AR (Augmented Reality). Dadurch konnten wir auch während der Pandemie schnell reagieren, wenn irgendwo eine Maschine stehenblieb – ein entscheidender Vorteil.

Fazit: Aufwachen, mitmachen!

Wer jetzt noch auf der Seitenlinie steht, sollte schleunigst auf das Spielfeld wechseln. China wird weiter voranschreiten und der Westen muss mitziehen – oder wird abgehängt. Lassen Sie uns zusammenarbeiten und Lösungen finden, statt weiterhin die Hände in den Schoß zu legen.

Experts in the Automotive Industry Asia

You need one, but don`t want to hire one permanently?

Our solution: To rent our experts

  • On pay-to-use basis
  • Completely flexible
  • Contract can be cancelled any time

Clearly represented reports and dashboards inclusive!

Re-investment in hidden champions worldwide

Like a bank, we take your investments and invest in industry and other sectors worldwide at factor 2 (200% of profit rate), for example, training and consulting for companies and universities, robotics, AI, tourism, green energy, entertainment, and other modern financial attractive fields.
We can bring significant value to your investments, whether you are a company or a private person. We deliver results that far exceed your expectations. Within the last three years, statistics show that, on average, the added value provided by GTEC for you can be up to 2 times their cost.

Like a flash of lightning, your missing piece is why you should invest in GTEC: Investors build companies! They do not build products. They do not provide services. They build companies, companies that provide products and services. You are not going to build our product/service or team. With your investment, you give guidance and enable us to bring solutions to life. Once traction turns to growth you expect your return of investment, more than what banks and stock markets can bring.

For example, we invest in entertainment.

Just click on one video we made for you (in German): https://teamlifebydesign.vifugo.co/7522

There you will find the introduction and promotion of a company called baccarat-entertainment.com with attractive profit rates, beyond your expectations (see picture below).

Need assistance and further info? Just see the video and arrange a telecon with us.
Even if you don’t want to take any risks, we can have proven solutions for you.
If you want to register directly without German video to save your time, click https://baccarat-entertainment.com/office/register and fill in your data. Please use qukanghan as the sponsor ID, otherwise registering will not work. Then call me to arrange a meetinAttractive Investments at GTEC (German Technology and Engineering Cooperation)g on how to go on.

Karlheinz Zuerl

200030 Shanghai, Yelian Road 333
215131 Suzhou, Chunshenhu Road 465

Chiang Mai, Hang Dong 227

Email: [email protected]
Tel. +86-13482438080 China
Tel. +66-636780790 Thailand

What Value Does an Interim Manager Bring to a Company?

We do the hard job for you in China and Asia at factor 6 (600% of profit rate)
Interim managers can bring significant value to a company, often delivering results that far exceed initial expectations. Statistics show that, on average, the added value provided by interim managers can be up to six times their cost.

The real value of an interim manager lies in their ability to not only execute tasks but also document the entire process—from input to output. This comprehensive documentation ensures that the improvements made are both visible and sustainable, allowing the company to continue benefiting long after the interim manager’s role has ended.

Ultimately, the key advantage of an interim manager is their ability to deliver tangible results within a short timeframe. Whether it’s turning around a struggling department, managing a critical project, or filling a leadership gap, an interim manager’s focused expertise and objective perspective can significantly enhance a company’s performance and position it for long-term success.
Need assistance? Our GTEC team is flexible, experienced, and ready to guide you through the industrial and supplier jungle in China, Asia and Eastern Europe – with customized solutions and full commitment!

Karlheinz Zuerl

200030 Shanghai, Yelian Road 333
215131 Suzhou, Chunshenhu Road 465

Chiang Mai, Hang Dong 227

Email: [email protected]
Tel. +86-13482438080 China
Tel. +66-636780790 Thailand

Investment opportunities in Thailand

Investing in Thailand has many perks as the country is well on its way to modernization. With an international community that has its wants and needs, you can be sure to find a niche that will make you money. Here, we have the best businesses and investment opportunities in Thailand listed. See more details.

Quiet BDR for Two in Green Area, Tambon San Phak Wan, Chang Wat, Chiang Mai
Chiang Mai, quiet & green Villa. E/German/CHN/Thai, Tambon San Phak Wan, Chang Wat, Chiang Mai

Thailand’s Top Business and Investment Opportunities

  • 1. Import and export company
  • 2. Real Estate Company
  • 3. IT Consulting Business
  • 4. Translation Services
  • 5. Catering Company
  • 6. Digital marketing
  • 7. Graphic design agency
  • 8. Automobile rental business
  • 9. Photography agency
  • 10. Jewelry design business
  • 11. Handyman business
  • 12. Driving school

For example, investing in real estate

  1. Thailand’s real estate sector accounts for 6% of the country’s GDP and is a significant part of the country’s industrial growth. Buying and selling land is one of the best ways to do real estate in the country as the cost of real estate is constantly rising. In addition, foreigners who want to buy a business, land or property often enlist the help of a real estate company. So those who want to start a real estate company will find that there are many opportunities throughout the country. In addition, those who are successful will find that hiring a competent Thai team to communicate with Thai owners is the key to making it in the industry.
  2. Business is particularly booming in Chiang Mai, the largest international city in northern Thailand, with an international airport and flights to Hong Kong, China and Bangkok. In addition, high-speed trains from China are bringing in more tourists and investors.
  3. Contact GTEC for more information and support to start your own business in Chiang Mai.
  4. We offer rental services of villas (up to 6 people) and rooms for two people. If you want to have a first look in combination with your vacation planning, this would be the best opportunity to start at a very low price and high standard of living.
    Booking, pictures, and descriptions are on Airbnb: Quiet and green Villa

Thai property market slows down amid withdrawal of Chinese and Russian investments

While the rest of Thailand’s property market is contracting due to the high rejection rate of housing loans by financial institutions, buyers of ultra-luxury houses often pay in cash and therefore do not have to apply for loans.

A Colliers’ survey revealed that about 350 houses priced over 100 million baht were in the sales process as of the end of September. Of these, 41.14% are located downtown in areas such as Sukhumvit, Aree, Bang Na, Rama IX, and Phattanakarn.

According to data from the  Real Estate Information Center (REIC), in 2023, Chinese buyers acquired 6,614 units, representing 46% of total foreign sales, while Russians purchased 1,260 units. However, the situation has drastically changed in 2024.

The withdrawal of Chinese investments is attributed to several reasons, including restrictions imposed by the Chinese government on capital outflows and the economic slowdown in China.

Additionally, the war in Ukraine and international sanctions have affected the ability of Russian investors to move capital abroad. These combined factors have significantly reduced the demand for properties in Thailand from these two key investor groups.

Therefore, it is a good time to buy now. We have one villa in Chiang Mai and one land to offer for sales at lowest market price. Click link and see details.

1. High quality Villa

This is a quiet and safe location at the nice and big Hang Dong compound (southern part of Chiang Mai), with a unique modern design for a big family or investment to rent out via Airbnb or . Take the whole family to this great villa with plenty of space for leisure, fun, and entertainment.

    Hang Dong can be regarded as the outskirts of Chiang Mai. Here, you will find paddy fields and orchards, with lizards, rabbits, and sometimes small snakes as well. But at the same time, the locals` traditional way of life still exists.

    A quiet place, but close to the airport and city center. Just a 20-minute drive by Tuk-Tuk or a taxi. Costs about 150 THB.
    Our Hang Dong district is divided into 11 sub-districts (tambons). Our tambon San Phak Wan has seven beautiful villages (mubans).

    Use three bedrooms, two shower rooms, a kitchen, a living room, a dining area, and enormous space for children to play inside and outside. About 240 sqm. See pictures and ask for videos.

    We as an owner speak Chinese, Thai, English, and German. We serve you 24-7, available on mobile or chat with you details face to face. We are a big family to serve our clients to get an amazing experience.

    Furthermore, we or our friends can guide you around. There is a lot to see. You can enjoy restaurants, and cafes, swimming, hiking, biking, and jogging. You can see animals, like elephants and buffalos. If you have more time, you can learn and study Thai as well.


    Price: 8888000 THB

    2. Unique Land

    The sales price of the land is 9,999,000 (10M) Thai Baht. The size of the land is 346.2 square wah, which is 346.2/400*1600=1385 square meters. The street name is Mobaan Wang Tan soi 3A-9. The lake is NOT included. There are no additional costs as we cover all the fees in the land department.

    Some additional information: The plot is in a very quiet surrounding with nice villas. The area is very quiet.

    The land is very suitable for a house with a garage and pool. We can also help with construction as we have experience now in Chiang Mai.

    Smaller land can be sold as well. Minimum 150 tnw.


      If you are interested in, please write email to [email protected] or call 0086-13482438080 (Karlheinz Zuerl, German)

      Quiet BDR ( Bedroom) for two in the green area

      Quiet BDR for Two in Green Area, Tambon San Phak Wan, Chang Wat, Chiang Mai

      Contact: Mr. Karlheinz Zuerl (English, German)
      Mobile: 0086-13482438080
      Email: [email protected]