German Technology & Engineering Corporation

German Technology & Engineering Corporation

We are Professionals in Cost Reduction and Profit Growth.
Service, Consulting and Training for Industry.

Our References

Karl-Heinz Zuerl

Interim General Management & Executive Consulting China/Asia

With highspeed out of price spiral. I know, how to do!

Selected Showcases

US subsidary produces heatsinks and coldplates.
About 140 people (including freelancers and third party people).
Headquarter in US.
Position: Interim General Manager APAC
Report to: CEO HQ (US)
Key Responsibilities & Achievements:

  • Managing Business Development (BD) and international cooperation of product engineering and manufacturing projects with US team.
  • Downsizing of factory; Expansion of Sales in APAC, Supply Chain, R&D, Engineering and Production.
  • Profit & Loss Responsible of the overall operational success in APAC.
  • Cost reduction by plant improvement and economic dismissal process.

ASCIRA (US) Startup company for online platforms in industry (Academy, Travel, Social Media, E-Commmerce)

TIER 1 (China), Shenyang Automotive Antenna

TIER 2 (Spain), Suzhou Stamping parts for Automotive

Position: Interim General Manager Asia in Suzhou. Focus on Profit Growth by Restructuring, Business Development, Marketing & Sales, Finance, Quality, Engineering, Project Management, Operation, HR.

Company stands for the long electric components and product tradition of the induction technology. About 500 people in 9 companies, agencies in 12 countries. HQ in Germany. In China about 90 people.
Position: Interim General Manager APAC
Report to: CEO HQ (Germany)
Key Responsibilities & Achievements:

  • Managing Business Development (BD) and international cooperation of product engineering and manufacturing projects with US- and German team.
  • Relocation of factory within China; Expansion of Sales in APAC, Supply Chain, R&D, Engineering and Production.
  • Leading regional sales in APAC, strategic development of Asia-Pacific, leadership for reginal coordinating functions.
  • Profit & Loss Responsible of the overall operational success in APAC.
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Our Experts in Industry

Business partners worldwide

Our Interim Managers
Experts in Industry to solve your problems


Requirements of ECOCUT Success in Asia The companies in Asia produce at high pressure after…


GTEC Profit Growth Academy You will learn: You will learn very practical things out of…


Tooling Costs (Direct Payment) Tooling cost subsidy and spare parts: Up to 80% of the…


Why do you need a robot? In the automotive industry, suppliers are driven mostly by…

Assisted Reality Solutions
Assisted Reality Solutions

Assisted Reality Advantage Step by Step Workflow Advantage: AR Step-by-Step instructions are easy to create…

Why GTEC is the best choice for you?


Network of well-known, hand selected experts, from Engineering to Delivery of products to customers


Communication multilingual & international culture experience

Customer satisfaction

Focus on short term profit growth and sustainable customer satisfaction

Low prices

Reasonable low prices for SMEs, invoices in Euro or RMB

Knowledge transfer

Transfer of knowledge and skills to your staff to continue improvement process


Online-academy and publishing of our methodologies and knowhow at well known publishers for your learning organization

Direct support

Direct support by qualified managers, clerks and workers at your plant in China within 24 hours after contract signing

Out of one hand

All services out of one hand, only one company to deal with


Germany is crying!

But not only because of the lost soccer match against Spain. But that was only part of my journey through my home country, which is…

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Deutschland weint!

Doch nicht nur wegen des verlorenen Fußballspiels gegen Spanien. Die Chancen wurden verpasst, das Handspiel übersehen, und so flog Deutschland aus dem Europapokal. Aber das…

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