Supplier Auditing / 供应商审核

Supplier audits have proven to be reliable tools for identifying the quality level of a companys organization and the one of its suppliers. ISO 9001 is an internationally recognized set of rules for the measurement of corporate quality standards. The training will familiarize you with the basic content of ISO 9001 and its application during audits. You will become acquainted with the different aspects of audit organization, audit implementation and correct audit documentations. Additionally, you will learn about ISO 19011 how audits are run according to international standards.

供应商审核是确定一个公司的整体质量水平和相应供应商的可靠工具。ISO 9001 是国际公认的专为企业质量标准测量所设的一套规则。本次培训将使学员熟悉 ISO 9001 的基本内容及其在审核期间的应用, 熟悉审核机构、 审核实施和正确的审核文档的各个方面, 同时学员将学到如何按照国际标准运行 ISO 19011 审核。

If interested in, please send an email or call us for asking details and for quick enrollment process.