Quality Control Loop / 质量控制环

Quality control loop is one of Quality Management tools and it describes a successive 4-step problem solving process. This multi-purpose approach, which is easy to implement, is a crucial capability to ensure continuous improvement and learning in an organization. The focus of the quality loop is on solving a problem where it occurs in cooperation with the involved people. By keeping track of the outcomes of an implemented solution, the quality loop helps to ensure effective quality management and durable improvement. In the training, participants will learn how to successfully implement and use quality control loop in practical applications.

质量控制环是一个质量管理工具,主要是描述卓有成效的 4 步问题解决的过程。它便于实施并可以进行多目标的优化,对确保持续改进以及在组织内部的学习提高起了至关重要的作用。质量环致力于在问题的发生点与相关的人员一起进行研究讨论,以便解决问题。质量环将关注解决方案的执行状态并跟踪其效果,有助于实现有效的质量管理和持久的改进。通过培训,学员将学会如何成功执行质量环并在实践中进行应用。

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