Optimization of Value-streams by Simulation Approaches / 模拟仿真支持下的价值流优化

Lean Production is a systematical operational solution that maintains competitiveness for the company, thus to realize sustainable business. The toolbox of Lean Production is extended by technologies enabled by Industry 4.0 trends. To support companies during the conceptual design phase for cyber-physical production systems, this training aims to combine lean methodologies with simulation approaches. In this course, participants will be inspired by state-of-the art methodologies to manage their value stream aligned with the latest software innovations.

精益生产作是企业保持竞争力,从而实现可持续发展的系统化管理方法。在工业 4.0 新趋势下精益工具也得到了相应扩展。为了帮助企业完成对信息物理系统的构建,此培训将精益方法论

  • 模拟仿真有机结合,学员将在理论知识以学习最先进的车间软件解决方案如何实现对价值流
  • 支持。

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