Supply Chain Management / 供应链管理

With the increasing globalization & internationalization of corporate operations, the planning and management of its supply chains play an important role for corporate business success. This training gives the participants an overview about how to design the configuration of global supply chains. SCOR Model can support the participants to apply a systematic approach to analyze and optimize corporate supply chains. It can lead to substantial competitive advantages in the global market.

在企业全球化和国际化进程中,规划和管理供应链对企业商业成败至关重要。本次培训讲和学员详细探讨如何设计和规划企业的供应链。学员讲学会运用 SCOR 模型分析和优化企业的供应链,对此企业在全球化市场立于不败之地。

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