- Karlheinz Zuerl wrote and published together with others another important book for managers: “Human Resources During Time of Crisis”

2. Karlheinz Zuerl has been accepted into the ATTA Club as an expert in corporate restructuring. ATTA stands for Asia Turnaround and Transformation Association.

3. In spring times, GTEC opens its office in Chiang Mai, Northern Thailand as a hub for Western companies
- Office space
- Co-working
- Virtual office
- Conference rooms
- Superfast WLAN
- Overnight stays in a “king size bedroom” (2 p), with kitchen, gym and swimming pool (25x 20m)
4. Karlheinz Zuerl completed the “AI” course at Steinbeis Business School in Augsburg in summer 2024.
5. GTEC and HJM won a new consulting project “ESG Reporting” in Germany, which will be completed in January 2025.
6. Karlheinz Zuerl was named Interim Management Expert of the Year 2024 in June 2024.

7. GTEC won a new consulting project “Turnaround and Restructuring” for a Thai restaurant in Chiang Mai (Northern Thailand), which will run until 2025.

- Karlheinz Zuerl was invited to consult for several companies and universities in Guangdong Province, South China.

7. GTEC and partner companies have established the “BRICS Project Network”. Other experts, managers, consultants, and companies can also join to participate.
8. Karlheinz Zuerl presented “Smart Investments in BRICS for Rotary” in Suzhou, China, on 9 December.

11. GTEC invested as a business angel in a startup company in Hamburg.
12. GTEC invested in an effective sustainable income system, run by a German company, to let the capital work, instead of working for money. Other business partners and companies can also participate, after the application.
What are the prospects for 2025? See my articles
- in UI (https://www.unitedinterim.com/blogs/china-business-der-duestere-ausblick-fuer-2025-und-ein-loesungsansatz.html )
- in DC (https://www.diplomatic-council.org/node/1277 )
- and on the GTEC website (https://gtec.asia/news-archive/ )
- GTEC and two partner companies take over “SENIOTOPIA Holding Ltd. Hong Kong” in equal shares.
Here you will also find the interim managers, consultants, and companies that can help you in Asia and worldwide in the BRICS countries.
Do you need restructuring, turnaround, or profit growth? Or are you looking to invest profitably or find investors for your business? We put our experts on the ground and deliver fast, demonstrable results. Please book an appointment with me to help you: https://calendly.com/karlheinzzuerl
Please note: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Best regards
Karlheinz Zuerl
CEO of German Technology & Engineering Cooperation (GTEC)

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