Target Group
This training serves managers and engineers to now take their first step to digitize their production.
Objectives and Content
In the era of Industry 4.0, the toolbox of Lean Production is extended by new digital technologies. This training explains the origins and interrelations between Lean Production and Industry 4.0. The philosophy of lean production still is the baseline for identifying digital solutions that add value to your business. In this course, participants will be inspired by a broad overview of state-of-the art technologies, related to real-world challenges in production systems. Support is given on how to assess your value streams to find the right pain points to start with.
Why this training is very important for your career and for your company?
- Learn how to digitize your production
- learn how to assess your value streams to find the right pain points to start with.
- Interdependence between Lean Production and Industry 4.0
- Influence of Industry 4.0 on:
- Production planning
- Supply chain management and logistics
- Quality management
- Industry 4.0 company assessment and roadmap development
- Material and information flow management
- Cost-Benefit analysis
- Success stories from the shop floor
- Case studies and experiences of Industry 4.0 scenarios
- 精益生产与工业 4.0 的内在关联
- 工业 4.0 的影响领域:
- 生产计划
- 供应链管理及物流
- 质量管理
- 工业 4.0 的工厂评估与路线图制定
- 物料流和信息流的管理
- 成本收益分析
- 车间的成功案例
- 工业 4.0 应用场景的案例分析与经验分享

If interested in, please send an email or call us for asking details and for quick enrollment process.