Interim General Management & Executive Consulting China/Asia for effective Business Transformation
Mit highspeed aus Preis-Spirale. Ich weiß, wie es zu tun!
The CEO of GTEC, German nationality with China visa, born in May 8, 1957, is an expert in business transformation in vehicle and machinery industry. As General Manager and Executive Consultant, he is using a business development plan as a roadmap for continual growth and success, equipped with strategies in order to produce sustainable and realistic growth in the upcoming years.
Due to his extensive experience with international OEMs (BMW, GM) and suppliers, the interim manager is also an expert in lean and cost-effective production.
His portfolio is completed by extensive sales expertise and in-depth knowledge of the Chinese market and the intercultural challenges typical of the country.
With this combination of skills, the interim manager is the ideal choice to focus on the quality of goals instead of quantity, on the road to success and sustainable growth.
The interim manager finds and uses the opportunities offered by the automotive markets. For example, he uses Business process automation (BPA) to transfer busy work to machines and empower staff to flex their creativity and problem-solving skills. Process automation benefits for increasing operational efficiency, productivity and process visibility, tracking activities, and reducing costs.
- Optimierung von Verfahren und Prozessen,
- change-und Krisen-management,
- Mitarbeiter-coaching, motivation.
- Nachhaltigkeit in Lern-Organisation und High-Performance-Kultur.
- 3D-Konstruktion von Stanzwerkzeugen mit Daten-transfer-tool zu laden, deutliche Kosteneinsparungen erreicht werden.
- Strategie, Implementierung und Verbesserung von Prozessen, in R&D, Engineering, Design, Fertigung
- Entwicklung von CAD-Funktionen für Unigraphics (UG), Koordination mit den USA, Brasilien und Schweden
- Ausschuss-management-FAKRA, Darstellung von Deutschland im ISO Komitee, der Darstellung des GME im VDA-Brüssel
- Projekt-Management von IMS-Knowledge Mgt, Risk Mgt -, Qualitäts-Mgt., Die Balanced Score Cards
- Qualität audits ISO 9001 und ISOTS 16949, OPEL/GME. Qualität audits VDA6.3 bei VALEO/BOSCH
- Kostensenkung workshops mit Tier1-Lieferanten
- APQP, PPAP, Run & Rate, die Annahme von auto-Teile an der GV-pflanze und Lieferanten
- Berechnung von Achslasten, stehend heights, Fahrzeug, GEWICHTE, Kosten. Eintrag in Datenbanken v. komplette Fahrzeuge.
- Verbesserung in der Logistik -, Umzugs-tools
- Qualität audits ISO 9001 und ISOTS 16949, OPEL/GME. Qualität audits VDA6.3 bei VALEO/BOSCH
- Projektmanagement von Bosch-Akku-Packs für den chinesischen Markt
- Qualität audits ISO 9001 und ISOTS 16949, OPEL/GME. Qualität audits VDA6.3 bei VALEO/BOSCH
- Kosten-Struktur-Analyse, die erworbenen Teile und Werkzeuge in allen Produkt-Gruppen, Organisation und Durchführung von Schulungen für Einkäufer und management.
- General Management China, Antrieb und Motor der Produktion und des Handels (Pflanze 150 Mitarbeiter)
- Green Energy/E-Mobility-Fertigung von Elektromotoren und Steuerungen
- Kaizen - /KVP-Vorschlag-system, TPS, Andon -, MES -, Asaichi Board, trouble shooting, workflow, root cause analysis
- Factory relocation; Verhandlungen mit den Vermietern, Kommunen und Entwicklung Zonen
- General Management China Induktion Maschinen (Anlage 90 Mitarbeiter)
- Executive Consultant Automotive OEM & Tier 1 Zulieferer
- Beratungsauftrag: Reduzierung der Kosten im supply-chain-Bachelor-und KPI-installation
- Vertriebs-und marketing-ramp-up, business development, Coaching & Führung von Mitarbeitern: CAD/engineering-Effizienz erhöhen
- compliance; Restructuri
Werkzeugmacher – Siemens
Designer, production planner – BMW
Quality Manager – Opel/General Motors
Manager SD - Valeo – Germ.
Purchasing Director & Project Director Akku – Bosch
Interims-GM bei TZM – Tianjin
Interims-GM auf RVT – Kunshan
Interim GM – Automobile Shanghai
ASCIRA (US) Startup company for online platforms in industry (Academy, Travel, Social Media, E-Commerce)
TIER 1 (China), Shenyang Automotive Antenna
TIER 2 (Spain), Suzhou Stamping parts for Automotive
Interim General Manager Asia in South China for Turnaround & Restructuring
Dipl. Ing. Mech. Eng.
REFA, Coburg
Dipl. Ing. Industrial Engineering
ISOTS 16949/ ISO 9001/ VDA6.3
PerfectProCalc (Product Costing)/ Perfect Calcard (Werkzeuge Kalkulation)
Digitalisierung, MES, AR.
PUR, HR, FIN, IT, TPS, TPM, SC, MFG, DEU, BD, Sales & Marketing
carbon footprint calculation service & training
- Gewinn-und-Verlust-Verantwortlichkeit für die gesamten operativen Erfolg in APAC,
- Stärkung der Wettbewerbsposition der Kunden zu den wichtigsten Kunden.
- Entwicklung und rasche Umsetzung des Masterplans
- Ausbau der regionalen Vertrieb und marketing in APAC, strategische Geschäftsentwicklung in der Region Asien Pazifik, führende regionale Koordination Funktionen
- Signifikante Produktivitätssteigerungen und Qualitätsverbesserungen in der Fertigung und Zulieferer zu dienen Kunden und erhöhen die Markt teilen
- Erhebliche Kostensenkungen in PUR, Logistik und import & export
- Verbesserungen im Haushaltsplan, Finanzen, Richtlinien, Arbeitssicherheit, IT, Digitalisierung.
- Fabrik Umzug innerhalb von China; die Verhandlungen mit dem Vermieter und der lokalen Regierung.
- Ausbau der supply chain, R&D, engineering und Produktion.
- Effektive BSC und KPI-installation, Kaizen/KVP, Vorschlagswesen, Reduzierung der Kosten im Einkauf/sourcing
- Make-or-Buy-Kalkulationen, capacity planning, Coaching & leadership, trouble-shooting,
- Controlling, Kosten-Berechnung vor/nach Projekt
- Wurzel Ursache Analyse, Qualitätsmanagement und Kostenkontrolle, HSE
- Training & workshops mit Mitarbeiter
- Mehr Mitarbeitermotivation, Mitarbeiterbindung
- Time-to-market, schnellerer Durchsatz die Zeit vom Kauf bis zur Lieferung
- Mehr Innovationskraft, die Umsetzung der Ideen der Mitarbeiter
- Größere Wettbewerbsfähigkeit (Preise, Qualität, OTD)
- Lernende Organisation, Nachhaltigkeit
- High-performance-Kultur
- Schlanke, Kosten-reduziert Organisationsstruktur
- Begeisterte und zufriedene Kunden und Auszeichnungen
Was ist das Besondere an meiner Dienstleistung? Was bringe ich ein?
Für Ihren Mehrwert bringe ich in meinem 33 Jahre Erfahrung im management mit großer Leidenschaft:
- Effektives Projekt-management
- Mitarbeiter-coaching, interne Schulungen, know-how-transfer
- Engineering vom design bis zum shop floor
- Lean Production mit TPS, Asaichi Board, Workflow
- Quality management (in-house -, Lieferanten-Entwicklung, Werkzeugbau)
- Kostensenkungen im Einkauf, in der Logistik, Prozesse und Abfall
- Kostenkontrolle im Finanz-und Personalwesen • Digitalisierung in BD, sales und marketing
- Die Fähigkeit zu überwachen, Finanz-Analyse und -reporting
- Fähigkeit, Ziele zu erreichen und fahren Sie bis zur Fertigstellung
- Analyse: Fähigkeit zur Synthese von komplexen Informationen, identifizieren von kritischen Faktoren, die big-picture strategic, forward-thinking, proactive problem solver
- Know-how und die fachliche Kompetenz, solide technische Fähigkeiten
- Excellent hands-on-management-Fähigkeiten. Communication skills, negotiation skills, zwischenmenschlicher Kompetenz
- Integrität: Team-player, die soziale und emotionale Intelligenz, die Durchführung von Angelegenheiten ethisch und ehrlich
- Durchsetzungsvermögen: Gutes Geschäftssinn, beeinflussende Kraft in cross-funktionalen teams
- Beharrlich, unermüdlich: display-persönliche und professionelle Energie
- Organisatorische, Priorisierung und Planung Fähigkeiten
- Ergebnisse fokussiert die technische und operative management
Ein Auszug aus meinem KPI-Programm:
Anstieg der Gesamt Umsatz Volumen, bis zu
Zunahme der zu versteuernden Einkommen von 51% (verarbeitendes Gewerbe) zu
0% (Handel)
Herstellung Betriebsergebnis
Reduzierung der SC Kosten (material + Logistik) von 5% (Handel) 27
0% (Produktion)
Kostensenkung Aktivitäten für nicht-produktive material auf monatlicher Durchschnitt
BOM material Kostensenkung Aktivitäten durch
Reduzierung der Fehlerrate in der Kunden-Feld aus unserer eigenen Produktion
Im Handel von 56%. 6 Monaten ins Rollen.
Reduzierung des internen Fehler-rate, indem Sie
Reduzierung der Mitarbeiter Fehlzeiten von 82,5% auf
Abbau von überstunden durch
Reduziert insgesamt die Arbeitskosten durch
während die Verringerung der Mitarbeiterzahl um
Eigene Ausschussquote reduziert
Die Produktion Linie, die Produktivität zu erhöhen, indem
Generator Produktion Linie Durchsatzleistung erhöht
TPS problem der Lösung des workshops erhöht
0pro Jahr.
Erhöhen Sie die Auslastung der Maschinen zu
Fluktuationsrate reduziert
Drastische Erhöhung der Anzahl der durchgeführten Verbesserungen
0Dank einem neu implementierten Vorschlag.
Wertsteigerung realisierte Verbesserungen
Millionen RMB
(Asaichi Board, Kaizen-Aktivitäten, Vorschlagswesen)
Das Unternehmen hat bestanden alle 9001/18001/14001 audits im ersten Schritt.
- Business development (BD), Sales & Marketing, Customer relationship management CRM
- Operational excellence in China/Asien (MFG, TPS, QM, TPM, SC, HR, FIN, IT, ENG, R&D)
- Restrukturierung zur Senkung der Kosten und Gewinn Wachstum, controlling budgets, financial awareness, KPIs, Steuern in der VR China
- Umgang mit Regierungen und Stakeholdern
- Automatisierung, Industrie 4.0
- Lean Manufacturing
- Projekt-management
- Qualitätsmanagement
- Engineering
- Strategie
- Verschiedene Materialien (Metalle, Kunststoffe, Keramik, Glas, Holz, etc.)
- OEM-Automobilhersteller (BMW, General Motors)
- Tier1-4 Zulieferern der Automobilindustrie (Abgas-Systeme, locking-Systeme, Elektrik/Elektronik, Scheibenwischer, Batterie-management-BMS)
- Elektromotor Aufbau/Generatoren
- Umwelttechnik
- Textil-Industrie
- Elektrische und elektronische Komponenten und Produkte, z.B. LCD, PCB, PCBA, Powertools,
- Batterie Management System, Batterie Packs
- Maschinenbau, spanabhebende Fertigung, Zerspanung, Werkzeugbau
- Aluminium-Druckguss, Kunststoff-Spritzguss, Laserschneiden, Fräsen center,
- Schweißen (Kunststoff, Metall)
- Stanz -, Montage -, Schmiede -,
- Bearbeitungszentren, Fertigungsstraßen, - Verarbeitung-Maschinen
- Tool shops, Automation/Robotik
- MES/Andon, Digitalisierung
- Handel
Western/Eastern Europe, GB, USA, Asien (China, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Indien, Taiwan)
- Verschiedene Materialien (Metalle, Kunststoffe, Keramik, Glas, Holz, etc.)
- OEM-Automobilhersteller (BMW, General Motors)
- Tier1-4 Zulieferern der Automobilindustrie (Abgas-Systeme, locking-Systeme, Elektrik/Elektronik, Scheibenwischer, Batterie-management-BMS)
- Elektromotor Aufbau/Generatoren
- Umwelttechnik
- Textil-Industrie
- Elektrische und elektronische Komponenten und Produkte, z.B. LCD, PCB, PCBA, Powertools,
- Batterie Management System, Batterie Packs
- Maschinenbau, spanabhebende Fertigung, Zerspanung, Werkzeugbau
- Aluminium-Druckguss, Kunststoff-Spritzguss, Laserschneiden, Fräsen center,
- Schweißen (Kunststoff, Metall)
- Stanz -, Montage -, Schmiede -,
- Bearbeitungszentren, Fertigungsstraßen, - Verarbeitung-Maschinen
- Tool shops, Automation/Robotik
- MES/Andon, Digitalisierung
- Handel
- Audits (Finanzen, IT, Qualität)
- Projekt-management
- Negotiation-Technik
- Multikulturelle Erfahrungen in Ost-und Westeuropa, den USA, Indien, China, Japan, Südostasien
- Shop-floor-management, z.B. CIP (KVP), Asaichi, 5S, Root Cause Analysis
- Kostensenkung Prozess Der Erzeugniskalkulation/Tool Costing. Eigene Marken: - SPEKTREN, ECOCUT
- Machen/Kaufen, Kostenrechnung, MHR Berechnung, Direct costing
- Multi-kulturelle Erfahrungen in Ost-und Westeuropa, den USA, Indien, China, Japan, Korea, Malaysia
Growing up in a farming family in Upper Franconia, South Germany, I worked hard as a child to support farming, but get support from my parents as well.
It is a cold area in Summer as in Winter times.
With my father’s help, I got an apprenticeship as a toolmaker at Siemens. I was one of the best. At that time, they produced tooling for plastic injection parts. but decided to quit and become a teacher.
My mindset at that time was to go out of the 273 people’s village and see the world.
So, I went to Pfaffenhofen, near Munich, where they opened a BOS, technical college, to be able to study at Technical University, Munich. Target: Vocational School Teacher.
After graduating from college, as I realized how expensive Munich was, I decided to study Mechanical Engineering at Coburg, Upper Franconia. In the summertime, I went back to Siemens working 3 shifts at a plastic plant. Every week another shift changes.
At that time, I got a freelancer job in Multi-Level-Marketing as a Wine dealer in Nierstein (Rheinhessen). I was promoted to sales and management and at the end of my study, they offered me a permanent job which I refused. I wanted to use my technical knowledge to make a career plan.
First, I found a job in sales as a project planner for the beverage conveyor industry, then got an offer at BMW as a tooling designer for stamping parts. I worked there for several years in manual and CAD design. We used CADAM (2D) and CATIA (3D). I implemented significant cost reduction by using 3D design of tooling for tool-shop
at Dingolfing plant and BIW (body-in-white) parts.
At that time, BMW build FIZ (R&D center) and I applied to work there as CAD Coordinator which was taken for several years.
Then I married. Now I needed more money. In 1989 I applied at GM (General Motors) at Opel subsidiary in Russelsheim, near Frankfurt, and was taken.
I remember, that year my son was born, and just as DDR (Eastern Germany) people rushed into the West.
At GM, I worked in strategy, development, implementation, and CIP (continuous improvement process) of CAD/CAM (we used UG) function and training, workshops, and projects to improve processes, soft- and hardware in R&D, Engineering, Styling, and Manufacturing.
I had high communication activities with R&D, IT, and Project Mgt. in US, Brazil, and Sweden.
At the powertrain department, I was responsible for the calculation and project management of trim heights & vehicle mass /cost calculation and reporting databases, SAP mass, and warehouse functions. In this function, I became a Task Force Leader of the German Automotive Association and a Representative of Germany in ISO (Italy), and European Government (Brussels) councils.
As a Representative of Integrated Management Systems and auditor in ISO 9001 and ISOTS 16949, I got intensive knowledge about process risk management, quality management, and balanced scorecards.
Dealing with GM and suppliers plants, I learned a lot about APQP, PPAP, Run &Rate of parts.
There I worked for 16 years, have been sent to the US, Sweden, Italy, and China, in different posts as CAD-Coordinator for Engineering and Manufacturing, Team Leader at Powertrain, Quality Manager at Engineering and Purchasing, and later Cost Reduction Manager.
1993 was the first time I visited China. Several trips followed. Before I studied Chinese at VHS (adult education center), Bochum university, and Beijing. The reason was, I knew, Asia will be the next business giant.
1999, I wrote my first book at Springer publishing house “Erfolgreich in China”, a bestseller at that time which I could introduce personally at Frankfurt Book Fair.
In 2005, as GM went bankrupt, I immediately looked for a new challenge. I spend 3 years at Valeo, a French company, in Cost Reduction and Supplier Development, dealing with East Europe and Asia.
There, I improved costs through intensive supplier management, logistics, and tooling relocation.
Bosch got their attention and came to me and asked me to come to Shanghai. A VP asked to take over responsibility for Purchasing in Asia. So, I accepted the offer.
Unfortunately, I got divorced. My ex-wife didn’t want to follow me.
At Bosch, I managed Purchasing Asia business by training in technical, cost structure analysis, cost reduction, and negotiation skills.
With HQ in Shanghai, I was dealing with supplier management and trained about 600 key users in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, and India.
Cost structure analysis and cost reduction workshops were made of purchased parts and tooling of all commodities in the industry.
As a lead auditor, I did audits in ISO 9001 and ISOTS 16949, and VDA6.3.
I traveled a lot to Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, India, and within China. Even on vacations, I went there, they are so interesting and beautiful. I was very engaged and trained about 600 people in 5 years. My 4 years contract was extended for one year, but 5 years was the maximum.
After 5 years working there, I joined a Bosch company for the development and production of battery packs in Suzhou and Stuttgart. I was responsible for managing this project as a key account for BMW and Brilliance. But series production went to a competitor, so top management offered me a job in Stuttgart.
Instead of going back to Germany in 2013, I married a Chinese lady and became an interim manager. Jumping into a new field, where I needed to learn to manage projects, companies, and myself at the same time.
Luckily, due to my great experience in the industry and as I was well known already on Linkedin, Xing, and as a book author in Germany, I got job offers as Interim General Manager and Executive consultant until now. Companies can call and rent me directly, without headhunters. A win-to-win solution for both sides.
In 2021, Springer publishing house “Effective Cost Cutting in Asia” was published, which created huge attention worldwide.
Followed in 2022 by “Successful Interim Management Project Reports and their Results” as an e-book at GTEC publisher.
In the same year, I received the “Top Interim Manager” Award from Capital magazine and “Certified Interim Manager” at United Interim.
As a member of BME, (Federal Association of materials management, purchasing, and logistics e.V.) and a member of DDIM (Umbrella organization German Interim Management e.V.), the German Chamber of Commerce and General Manager Club in Shanghai, and Rotary Club in Suzhou, I can reach my customers directly.
Beginning of February 2023, my experience as Interim General Manager and Executive Consultant was published with a new book “Management in China” with interesting and useful content for all managers at the Diplomatic Council Publishing house. You can buy in the German language at
So far, with GTEC since 2013 in interim and consultant business, my team members and I worked for the automotive, electric and electronic, environment, machinery, and textile industry at ABP, ACCU, Atreus, BMW, Daimler, Eberspächer, Huf, Schaeffler, Siloking, RVT, Volkswagen, and Zapi.
I have a passion for teamwork and business development and organizational building. See my achieved successes in my project reports.
I burn for the calculated ROI. My value to my customers is based on my uniqueness over my competitors, my financial advantages at a favorable price, and my dedicated service.
I burn to help other people become successful and meet their personal goals. If trust in other people is restored, these people also trust me.
I burn for continuous learning. Therefore, I invest daily in further training and invest this valuable time for my customers.
My teams recognize the goals and vision of the company. My employees join in and bring new impetus to the team. People are motivated and do great work. See my customers’ feedback.
For example, I became the general manager in Tianjin at an Italian company. There, with the help of my team, I managed to achieve a large increase in profits and significant cost reductions within a few years. I am proud of it.
Then I used my experience in motivating Chinese people at other companies where I was employed as a General Manager or worked as a consultant. With great success, because it kindles the customer’s fire. See my achieved successes in my project reports.
- As tooling is the most important to get best quality and costs of your products, as a Toolmaker (plastic, die casting, stamping), I am able to communicate with tool shop staff to deal with challenges, root cause analysis and proposed solutions in manufacturing and maintenance.
- As an expert in cost management, with cost structure analysis skills dealing with sales, plants and suppliers, I am able to sell your tools and products at best price to customers, implement improvements of efficiency and productivity in own plants and on your supplier sites.
- My knowledge in the fields of Six Sigma, Lean Manufacturing, 5S, Kaizen is outstanding (training by Valeo Production System VPS, Bosch Production System BPS)
- Experience in the field of stamping/deep drawing, ADC/plastic processing, experience in machining (milling, grinding, turning, etc.), assembly (PCB/PCBA, electric motors, controllers, etc.)
- Long time experience in the Automotive Industry (e.g., engineering, CAD/CAM design, Quality management, Auditor 9001/16949/VDA6.3, Supplier development, purchasing, logistics).
- Support C-level with my Asian expertise in GM, Supply Chain, Operation, Business development, restructuring, relocations, cost reduction
- Support western companies in China/Asia with experts in industry out of my network
- Digital Transformation consulting for Manufacturing into a Smart Factory, MES
- Automation at shop floor
- Digitalization in maintenance and repair service with AR/VR
- Coaching of managers and employees to work in high-performance culture
Thanks to feedback from my Chinese wife, I know what Chinese women look for in business: shoes, socks, and shirts. Everything has to fit if he wants to score points in sales or projects. Even in the home office and video conferences, I am styled in a business-like manner, which motivates me and my customers.
As a result, I am very close to Chinese culture, its customs, politics, and the way of thinking of Chinese managers and decision-makers, which is of great benefit to my customers and my employees: I can put myself in their position and way of thinking and communicate interculturally, both in business and in private life.
I don’t let take away from me the morning or evening daily jog through the residential complex in Suzhou or Shanghai. Even with fit employees, I climb mountains, play table tennis or join other running teams.
Through “learning by doing”, daily practice makes me more and more perfect. This knowledge and skills, I transfer to others by coaching. I do myself what I ask of others.

Nationalität: Deutsch
Status: Verheiratet
Wohnort: Suzhou, China
Position: General Manager, Einkauf, Qualität, Produktion, Projektmanagement
Geburtsjahr: 1957
Sprachen: German (mother language), English (business fluent), Chinese (everyday speech, HSK 4 Level), Spanish/French (basics)